Home Ownership Wanes in California

Our state’s housing crisis increases homelessness, costs people jobs and lengthens commutes, all serious problems.

On the most basic level, though, what the shortage of affordable housing does is deny many Californians the joys and benefits of home ownership.

It’s that part of the crisis that jumps out from a new report, titled “California’s Housing Future: Challenges and Opportunities,” from the state’s Department of Housing and Community Development.

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About author

Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson 249 posts

Over the course of his 30-year career, Michael Anderson has worked in the residential development industry in the Pacific Northwest, Northern California and Southern California. He has acquired residential land in excess of $300M for both land development and homebuilding entities and has overseen the construction of approximately 2500 homes. Currently, in semi-retirement, and based out of Newport Beach, CA, Michael continues to invest in and stay abreast of the land markets.

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